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freelance academic editor


Please reference all published and unpublished documents; use ASA format below or other standard format (Chicago, APA). Unless otherwise stated on document, please use 2020 as date.

    Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. 2011. Youth & Society 43 (3): 1066-1109 (Journal Article) “A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents and of the Empowerment of Low-status Youth.” Applications of Social Capital in Educational Literature: A Critical Synthesis Dika, Sandra L. and Kusum Singh. 2002. “Applications of Social Capital in Educational Literature: A Critical Synthesis.” Review of Educational Research 72 (1): 31-60. Defensive Network Orientations as Internalized Oppression Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. 2001. “Defensive network orientations as internalized oppression: How schools mediate the influence of social class on adolescent development,” (The Scourge of Internalized Oppression.) Excerpt from Social class, poverty, & education. (Missouri Symposium on Research and Educational Policy) Vol. 3. New York: Routlege-Falmer. B. Biddle (Ed.) “talk-plus-walk,” The Challenge of Scholar-Activism Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR COMMENTARY Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research, 6(1), 2020.
    The Empowerment of Immigrant Students in School Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. 2013. “The Empowerment of Immigrant Students in School: Using Social Capital Research and Theory to Guide the Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Comprehensive School Restructuring Initiative.” Keynote address, and paper presentation, at the conference on Effective Strategies for Promoting School Success for Newly-Arrived Adolescent Refugees and Immigrants: New Directions for Research. The Urban Institute, Washington, D.C., May 30, 2013. Unpublished document. DOWNLOAD Power Brokers: Building Youth Social Capital through Connected Learning Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. 2016. “Contributions of Social Capital Theory and Social Network Models in Advancing the Connection between Students’ School-based Learning and Community-based Opportunities for Pursuing Interest-driven Learning.” Panel presentation at the Digital Media and Learning Conference, section: “Power Brokers: Building Youth Social Capital through Connected Learning.” The University of California, Irvine, October 6, 2016. Unpublished document.
    “A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents & Their Role in the Empowerment of Students/Youth.” Presentation, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, May 25, 2010. [PowerPoint] “The Role of Chinese Language-Heritage Schools in the Empowerment of Children & Youth of Immigrant Parents.” Keynote Presentation Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. 2009. “The Role of Chinese Language-Heritage Schools in the Empowerment of Children & Youth of Immigrant Parents,” Hsuiping Institute of Technology, Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology, & Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology. May 25, 26 & 27, 2009. Taichung County, Taiwan. [Text and PowerPoint] DOWNLOAD PPT
  • STUDY NOTES on Social Inequality & Empowerment (Social Capital Theory)
    Accessing “System Knowledge” GLOSSARY (Stanton-Salazar’s Social Capital Framework) Stanton-Salazar, Ricardo D. (Version: May 23, 2013) “Glossary of Concepts and Terms Associated with Stanton-Salazar’s Social Capital Framework for the Study of Social Inequality among Low-status Students and Youth.” Unpublished document. The Multiple Roles of Institutional Agents: Table 1 Chart, (Stanton-Salazar, R. D. 2011. Youth & Society 43 (3): 1066-1109. Forms of “Institutional Support” & Kinds of Institutional Agents: Table 2 (Stanton-Salazar, R. D. 2011. Youth & Society 43 (3): 1066-1109. Teacher as an “Institutional Agent” [PowerPoint] Study Notes on Dika, Sandra L. and Kusum Singh. 2002. “Applications of Social Capital in Educational Literature.” Study Notes on Empowerment Theory & Models of Empowerment (Part I) My personal notes on "Empowerment Theory," (Critical Social Work), focusing on the scholarly work of Elisheva Sadan, "Empowerment and Community Planning." Please cite Sadan's work using full citation, see ....this literature was instrumental in my latest published work on youth empowerment and the empowerment of "institutional agents." Study Notes on Empowerment Theory & Models of Empowerment (Part II) My conceptual and analytical notes I developed while I was explored the various literature on “individual empowerment,” and gradually constructed a framework that would permit me to articulate how youth and student advocates, as “institutional agents,” must themselves become “empowered” along various dimensions. Such self-empowerment enables and facilitates the “empowerment” of those young people they are devoted to. These notes, and the framework I crafted, eventually led to my published piece on empowerment agents, ….”A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents and Their Role in the Empowerment of Low-Status Students and Youth.” 2011. Youth & Society. Study Notes on Pierre Bourdieu
    Study Notes on Race & Racism: Definitions & Conceptual Framework I present a two-dimensional conceptual model of racism (Structural & Ideological), for use by educators, graduate students, & scholars writing on race & racism. I ask that you indicate my authorship on all unpublished documents. Study Notes on Ethnicity, Race, & Racism (CHST133 Winter 2016, University of California, Santa Barbara) Paulo Freire's "Critical-Transforming Stages of Problem-Solving.” Study Notes on Altered Destinies: Making Life Better for Schoolchildren in Need, by Gene I. Maeroff. Gene I. Maeroff. 1998. Altered Destinies: Making Life Better for Schoolchildren in Need. St. Martin’s Press.
    Study Notes for Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, by Harvey Mackey. Mackey, Harvey. 1997. Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty: Networking—The Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need. Doubleday. Study Notes on Networking Magic, by Rick Frishman & Jill Lublin ("social networking") Frishman, Rick & Jill Lublin. 2004. Networking Magic: Find the Best—from Doctors, Lawyers, and Accountants to Homes, Schools, and Jobs. Adams Media.
  • STUDY NOTES on Writing in the Social Sciences
    Table of Contents of Materials on Academic Writing in the Social Sciences Writing in the Social Sciences: Review of Essentials Writing in the Social Sciences: Part 1 (for undergraduate students, doctoral students, & university scholars) Writing in the Social Sciences: Part 2 Writing in the Social Sciences: Part 3 Research Writing [Outlines] (in revision) Thesis Statements [Study Notes] Theoretical Frameworks [Ngulube, Mathipa & Gumbo] Theoretical Frameworks [Anfara] Theoretical Framework1 Theoretical Frameworks 2 (in revision) Writing [Sociology] Social Organization of Social Science Writing (in revision) Granovetter [Hidden Outline] Stanton-Salazar & Spina [Reverse Outline] Singh & Lukkarila [Academic Writing] Elements of a Research Paper Principal Sections of a publishable Research Paper (Stanton-Salazar)
  • ESSAYS: Narrative & Expository, & MISC
    Developing the Social Networks and Networking Behavior of First-Generation College Students: Three Fictional Narratives (Originally published on LinkedIn, 2016) A Quick Study on Compassion (An Ongoing Project) Quotes on "Social Justice" in the Bible
  • DISSERTATIONS Employing Stanton-Salazar’s Social Capital Framework
    Bee, Trista. 2016. “Significant Others in the Lives of Latino First-Generation College Students: How Social Capital Aids Persistence.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Lee, Felicia Jin-Sun. 2003. “Social Capital and Tenure: The Role of Race and Gender in Academic Promotion.” PhD dissertation, University of Southern California (Rossier School of Education). DOWNLOAD Prado, José Miranda. 2006. “A Critical Social Capital Analysis of Educational Tracking in the West San Gabriel Valley. PhD dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Southern California. DOWNLOAD Quintanar, Imelda. 2007. “Defining the Mobilization of Social Capital for Low-SES Minority Youth Participants in the Summer Bridge Program by Program Leaders.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. DOWNLOAD Rojas, Leticia. 2014. “Unstandardizing Teaching: The Classroom Teacher as an Institutional and Empowerment Agent for Latina/o Youth’s College Access.” EdD dissertation, College of Education, California State University, Long Beach. DOWNLOAD Pendakur, Sumun Lakshmi. 2011. “The Search for Transformative Agents: The Counter-Institutional Positioning of Faculty and Staff at an Elite University.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. [Chair: Reynaldo Baca; Advisor: Ricardo D. Stanton-Salazar.] Dr. Pendakur was Director of Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS), at the University of Southern California. Dissertation Description: “The purpose of this study is to empirically ground Stanton-Salazar’s (2010) theoretical trope of the empowerment agent through a life history study of subjects identified as empowerment agents. “Empowerment agents" leverage their social capital network to offer institutional support to low-status students while helping the students clarify and construct an action-oriented, social justice-centered, critically conscious worldview.” DOWNLOAD Stanton-Salazar THEMATIC DISSERTATION RESEARCH PROJECT (9 Dissertations: 2006-2007) DOWNLOAD “Examining Effective Educational Environments Using A Social Capital Framework of Analysis.” Each scholar investigated a school- or community-based student intervention program—focusing on the complexities entailed as program leaders acted [or failed to act] to mobilize their personal networks to access key resources (“social capital”) to support either the students in the program or their staff colleagues. Programs studied include AVID, Puente, SummerBridge, YouthBuild, AMAN, Schools of Wheels (children of homeless families). Gamble, Brandon. 2007. “Social Capital Networks of Institutional Agents and the Empowerment of African American Youth.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Liou, Tung-Yuang. 2007. “Using Social Capital Theory in Examining Leaders of On-Campus Intervention Programs.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Martínez, David Angel. 2007. “The manifestation of social capital within the mathematics, engineering, and science achievement (MESA) program.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Miller, Monica. 2007. “Social Capital, Institutional Agency, Low-status, urban youth, and Empowerment. EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Mims, Bruce Lamar. 2007. “Social Capital, Institutional Agency, Minority or Low Status Youth Empowerment, and AVID Implementation.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Quintanar, Imelda. 2007. “Defining the Mobilization of Social Capital for Low-SES Minority Youth Participants in the Summer Bridge Program by Program Leaders.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Rodriguez, Cristina Castelo. 2007. “Examining the Networks of Program Leaders in the Community College Component of the Puente Project within the Context of a Social Capital Framework. EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Ward, Mary. 2008. “An AVID Program Investigation: Examining an Intervention Program Within the Context of Social Capital Theory.” EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Whitten, Kelly Suzanne 2007. “Social Capital Networks of Institutional Agents and the Empowerment of Low-status Youth in a Federally-funded Intervention Program. EdD dissertation, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
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